The Ombudsperson participated in the 16th International Conference of Armed Forces Ombuds Institutions
October 1, 2024 – Ombidsperson, Mr. Naim Qelaj took part in the 16th International Conference of Ombuds Institutions for the Armed Forces (ICOAF) in Berlin, Germany.
Over two days, 120 representatives from 40 Ombuds institutions, commissioners and inspectors general from around the world will discuss together: “Armed Forces under pressure: Ombudsperson institutions and the duty of care to service members” .
The main purpose of this year’s Conference is to discuss and articulate policies for the future between Ombuds instituions, to address the challenges arising from the growing tensions and insecurity around the world and therefore increasing demands and challenges for military personnel. In the context of the work of the Conference, it is inevitable to reflect on the lessons learned from such previous meetings and the experiences created.
In this year’s Conference, in addition to the Ombudsman and his colleagues, the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Kosovo Security Force, Mrs. Remzije Zeqiraj took part too.
The 16th international conference of Armed Forces Ombuds Institutions is being held in the German Bundestag building, under the organization of the German Parliamentary Commissioner and in cooperation with the Geneva Center for the Democratic Control of the Armed Forces (DCAF).