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Discussion table with representatives of the municipality and non-governmental organizations in Mamushë


Pristina, June 21, 2024 – People’s Advocate, Mr. Naim Qelaj met representatives of the municipality of Mamusha, including the mayor Abdülhadi Krasniç, and representatives of civil society organizations from this municipality, to discuss human rights in the country, with a special focus on the rights of the Turkish community in Kosovo.

People’s Advocate, Mr. Naim Qelaj said that meetings with communities are of great importance in order to listen to them closely about the challenges and problems they have. Also, he informed the attendees about the work and activities of the Forum for Dialogue between the Ombudsman and non-governmental organizations, inviting organizations from the ranks of the Turkish community to join the Forum.

The Mayor of the Municipality of Mamusha, Mr. Krasnič spoke about the problems with waste management and the lack of supervision on this issue due to the lack of inspectors. He added that the citizens of this community encounter difficulties in the process of passing the employment tests due to the lack of Turkish language in the tests.

The representatives of the civil society organizations emphasized that the families of the martyrs receive social assistance in very low amounts and insufficient for living. Also mentioned was the delay in the procedures for timely certification of diplomas for students who have completed their studies in Turkey, as well as the lack of financial support from the state for non-governmental organizations of the Turkish community in the country.

This table was made in cooperation with the OSCE office in Kosovo.