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OI and OLC launched the report regarding the implementation of the law on languages


Prishtina, May 23, 2024 – The Ombudsperson’s Institution in cooperation with the Office of the Commissioner for Languages launched on Wednesday the report on the implementation of the law on the use of languages in municipalities and the Basic Courts.

The Ombudsperson, Naim Qelaj said that the implementation of the law on languages is of great importance for all citizens of the country so that they can realize their rights in receiving public services. He added that public institutions have made efforts to improve but more remains to be done.

The report summarized the findings from the monitoring of the official websites of the municipalities of Gracanica, Peja, Prizren, Gjilan, North Mitrovica, South Mitrovica and Pristina, as well as the monitoring of the Basic Courts of these municipalities.

In a general assessment, the report emphasizes that bilingualism is a standard that is respected in the Municipalities and in the Basic Courts. The orientation signs in the Courts are almost at a very satisfactory level, except in two cases, Gracanica and Prishtina. Meanwhile, the municipalities of South Mitrovica and Pristina have been found to have many deficiencies in terms of orientation inscriptions.

According to the institutions visited, all documents are translated into both languages, but there are cases when a decision or a form is given only in the applicant’s language and this happens due to limited professional capacities.

All municipalities and courts mainly have one translator, while the largest number of translators in the municipalities is three, while in the Court there are 13 translators.

Read full report here -> https://bit.ly/4dVuBcn