The Ombudsperson organized a roundtable entitled “Restoration of nationalized property rights”
Pristina, on March 19, 2024 – Invited to this table were the Chairman of the Judicial Council of Kosovo, Mr. Albert Zogaj, judges from the Supreme Court, from the Special Chamber of the Supreme Court as well as from the Court of Appeal. There were also professors of the Faculty of Law as well as lawyers and experts in the field, who expressed their opinions about the issue under discussion.
The focus of this meeting was on cases of private properties taken without compensation during the communist period, and the modalities that the Republic of Kosovo should follow, in order to compensate those owners whose properties were taken without compensation.
At this table, it was established that the delay in issuing a Law on the Denationalization of properties that were taken without compensation during the period of communism, constitutes a continuous violation of property rights as human rights.
At the end of the meeting, it emerged as a common position of all those present, the need for the Republic of Kosovo to issue a Law on the Denationalization of properties, which were taken from the owners without compensation. Likewise, the common position of the participants in the meeting was the need to specify by law the cases of compensation or return of nationalized properties, if such a thing is practically possible.
The Ombudsperson informed those present that he will take other actions related to this issue, which are within the constitutional mandate of the Ombudsperson.