Ombudsperson Naim Qelaj hosted eminent lawyers of the Council of Europe
Pristina, September 25th, 2023 – Ombudsperson, Naim Qelaj hosted eminent lawyers, Spiliopolou Akermark and Thomas Markert, who are staying in Kosovo on a fact-gathering mission, as part of the procedure for examining Kosovo’s request for membership in the Council of Europe.
The Ombudsperson spoke about the state of human rights in general, and about his mandate and powers in the protection and promotion of human rights.
Mr. Qelaj said that the Ombudsperson’s Institution is a constitutional institution for the protection of human rights that operates in accordance with the most advanced principles which guarantee independence in the exercise of the mandate and prohibit any interference or influence in its work.
He added that Kosovo has incorporated the highest standards of respect for human rights in its constitution in accordance with international instruments.
Further, they talked about many other topics, but in particular they were interested to know more about property issues, human rights at the local level, education in the country and issues related to the fight against discrimination.