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The Ombudsperson organized the meeting of the forum for dialogue with civil society


Prishtina, 25 May 2022 – The Ombudsperson, Mr. Naim Qelaj organized the meeting of the Forum for dialogue between the Ombudsperson’s Institution and civil society organizations (CSOs).

The Ombudsperson stressed the importance of the Forum in addressing topics of interest to citizens, while adding that cooperation with civil society is a ‘natural partnership because of the work we do for citizens’.

He informed the members of the Forum about the activities of the Ombudsperson’s Institution in various areas of general interest such as the opinion of the Ombudsperson on electricity tariffs, meetings with citizens within the “equality for all” campaign, and the position of the Ombudsperson regarding the Civil Code – specifically the legal regulation of cohabitation for the same sexes.

The strategic document was also presented on which this forum will function and which aims to address issues in the field of human rights and fundamental freedoms, contribution given by non-governmental organizations active in the field of human rights.

The main objectives of the forum are: Advancing the respect and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms in Kosovo; Identify and address cases of human rights violations; Promoting the work of the Ombudsperson Institution and Civil Society Organizations working on human rights issues; and joint advocacy in implementing the OIK and CSO recommendations.

This document also presents the principles on the basis of which the Forum will function, the forms of communication, and the establishment of the working group that is the supporting and coordinating body of the Forum.

Members unanimously praised the establishment of this forum as an opportunity to address certain topics related to respect for human rights and freedoms and as a forum around which all civil society organizations should unite. In addition, they stressed that this forum will much more strongly push the processes and unify the attitudes of civil society on the important issues for which they are committed.

They raised as important issues the topic of the Draft Civil Code, that did not pass in the Assembly of Kosovo in last March, due to the article that provides for the cohabitation of persons of the same sex. The participants stressed that it is very important for the Ombudsperson to come out with public opinion and present his position on this issue, respecting the constitutional principles and the right of persons of the same sex to have their cohabitation regulated with Civil Code.

Representatives of the organizations also raised other issues such as postponing the approval process of the draft law on local government finances, which provides for the creation of a Specific Grant for Social Services, which will ensure a sustainable minimum funding for social services.

Other topics were also raised, such as the lack of audio in the buses that aims to inform the blind and visually impaired persons about bus stations, employment problems for people with disabilities, then the financial difficulties in the functioning of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian organizations.

The participants agreed on the activities for the coming months, as well as on the next meeting in September, as provided in the strategy document for quarterly meetings.