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Ombudsperson’s statement on the occasion of 22 April, World Earth Day 


Pristina, April 22nd 2021 – On the occasion of 22 April, World Earth Day, the Ombudsperson, a Constitutional institution for protection, overseeing and promotion of rights and fundamental freedoms, seeks everyone’s attention on the importance of the earth, as a source of life and health as well as a human right.

Notwithstanding the fact that state’s Constitution has defined the environment and its protection as everyone’s responsibility, this year as well, the country did not mark any adjustment which would significantly reflect positive attempt in reduction of degrading actions on land, as an integral part of the environment. Degradation and change of land use, pollution from all kinds of waste, untreated discharges, excavations, gravel exploitation, open-pit mines and quarries, forest degradation, the impact of lack of appropriate spatial planning and unbalanced urban development continued this year as well in the country.

On this day, the Ombudsperson reminds responsible Institutions on the importance of addressing policies towards protection of earth by giving due concern to the balance between economic needs and social welfare with environmental ones, in order of protecting environment for current and future generations, according to the concept of sustainable development.

The Ombudsperson, on this day once again, requires that rational use of natural resources and limitation of emissions and discharges of land pollution, damage prevention, as well as revitalization and recovery of damaged land, as soon as possible are listed among priorities of the Government, law enforcement agencies and the judiciary.