Press release – Recommendations Report regarding Mr. Tienmu Ma’s refused request for residence permit in the Republic of Kosovo
Prishtinë, 30 October 2020 – The Ombudsperson, within the framework of exercising his powers and legal responsibilities, today has published Recommendation Report with regard to the complaint No. 555/2020 concerning Mr. Tienmu Ma’s refused request for residence permit in the Republic of Kosovo.
The Ombudsperson Institution has admitted Mr. Tienmu Ma’s complaint on 27 September 2020, who claimed that actions conducted by authorities of the Government of Republic of Kosovo have violated his constitutional and legal rights with respect of handling his application for residence permit in the Republic of Kosovo.
The report asserts that there have been violations committed by Division for Foreigners of the Department for Citizenship, Asylum and Migration, within the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as violations committed by the Appeals Commission on Foreigners.
Upon accomplishment of investigation, the Ombudsperson has ascertained that in the course of treatment of Mr. Tienmu Ma’s case, the right not to be discriminated against, the right to privacy, and a number of general principles of Law no. 05 / L-031 on General Administrative Procedure have been violated.
Therefore, the Ombudsperson has recommended to responsible authorities reconsideration of Mr. Tienmu Ma’s case, abidance with the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo and laws in effect, in order of improving shortcomings which have caused violations found by the Ombudsperson.
For more information, Ombudsperson’s Report with Recommendations can be found at the following link.: