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Press release – Pollution of the river Gracanke/Gracanka


Pristina, 9 june 2020 – The Ombudsperson published Ex-officio Recommendation Report no. 631/2019 with regard to the violation of the right to a safe and healthy environment as a result of pollution of the river Graçanke/Gračanka.

The Ombudsperson, in accordance with his constitutional and legal mandate, today has published Ex-officio Report with Recommendations No. 631/2019 with respect to violation of the right to safe and healthy environment as a result of the river pollution, and the same has been submitted to responsible authorities.

The Report aims to draw attention of the competent authorities on the necessity of undertaking immediate action, as positive obligations for protection of river Graçanke/Gračanka from pollution, as a compulsion for the protection of citizens’ health and protection of the environment.

On one hand the Report estimates responsibilities of the state to avoid harmful effects from pollution of the river and on the other hand, authorities’ failure to fulfill their obligations to prevent the impact of pollution on human rights, actually on the right to safe and healthy environment as well as the right to privacy.

The Ombudsperson, through this Report, provides recommendations to responsible authorities that in accordance with their powers and legal authorizations, take all necessary and effective actions to protect the river from pollution

Read report here: https://bit.ly/3cVwS6r