The Ombudsperson published the Report, regarding the absence of effective legal remedies for settling labor disputes involving civil servants and candidates for admission to the civil service


Prishtina, on June 18, 2019

The Ombudsperson, in the exercise of his competences and legal responsibilities, published the Report with Recommendations Ex officio no. 421/2019, regarding the absence of effective legal remedies for settling labor disputes involving civil servants and candidates for admission to the civil service.

The Ombudsperson, having in mind the necessity to provide citizens with the constitutional and legal guaranteed right to effective legal remedies for settling labor disputes, through this report aims to draw the attention of the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo to the urgent need for the appointment of members of the Independent Oversight Board for Civil Service of Kosovo.

Due to the inability to review the submitted complaints and the impossibility of issuing decisions by the Independent Oversight Board for Civil Service of Kosovo, contrary to the right guaranteed for effective legal remedies and in violation of the right to a trial within a reasonable time, The Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo has a constitutional and legal obligation to appoint the members of the Council as soon as possible and to make it functional.

This Report with recommendations was forwarded to the responsible authority and published on the OI’s official website.