Ombudsperson Institution in the support of domestic violence victims
Prishtina, 26 December – On the occasion of New Year Eve, Ombudsperson’s deputies, Mrs. Edona Hajrullahu and Mr. Mehdi Geci, visited the Center for Women and Children Protection (CWCP) which is a shelter for victims of domestic violence, with various levels of dangerousness.
OI representatives were interested to know more about the work and current situation in the CWCP, which provides shelter for grave category of domestic violence victims, reiterating on this occasion the willingness of the Ombudsperson Institution in supporting the CWCP in their endeavors.
In this regard, it has been emphasized that the OI is conducting inclusive investigations related to domestic violence problem and that a Recommendation Report will be soon published for relevant institutions responsible for improvement of conditions in these sheltering centers as well as the need of raising the awareness of the society on domestic violence prevention.
During this visit the Director of CWCP, Mrs. Zana Hamiti, informed the Deputies to the Ombudsperson regarding the work and the challenges which this Center face in the course of work accomplishment.
According to CWCP Director, the main problem is funding of services of this center, revealing the hope that upon licensing by the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare (MLSW), funding of CWCP services will be improved by gaining budgetary financing, since a budget request, through Women’s Network, to relevant institutions for 2019 has been made. She stressed that so far the main sources of funding were some international institutions that support CWCP projects as well as humanitarian initiatives of different people.
Speaking about services that the Center provides, Mrs. Hamiti, reported that nearly 1500 victims of violence have been sheltered in this center since December 1999, while at the moment, the shelter’s capacity for lockdown-type shelter is for 19 victims.
CWCP provides services not solely for victims residing in Prishtina but also to the victims from municipalities within Prishina region, but in case of the need, it is in disposal for victims coming from other municipalities as well.
Media and Public Relation Office