The Ombudsperson Institution published the Report with recommendations concerning the visit of National Preventive Mechanism against Torture in the Centre for Integration and Rehabilitation of the Chronic Psychiatric Patients in Shtime


Prishtinë-26 October 2018

The given Report refers to the visit conducted by Ombudsperson’s National Preventive Mechanism against Torture (NPMT) to the Centre for Integration and Rehabilitation of the Chronic Psychiatric Patients in Shtime (hereinafter “CIRCPP”), accomplished on 16 May 2018. During the visit made by NPMT, personnel of CIRCPP offered full cooperation to the monitoring team. The team without any delay had access to all places and was able to talk in person with some residents who were conscious and able to communicate with them, and the conversation was conducted without the presence of Centre’s personnel.

The purpose of this visit was to monitor the respect of the rights of persons with mental disorder, protection and promotion of mental health, prevention of ill-treatment and improvement of life quality of person with mental disabilities.

During the visit NPMT has observed a friendly and close relations of the personnel towards the patients, thus mainly positive atmosphere was observed within the institution. Patients are well and cleanly dressed. The team did not witness any sign of injuries. From the interviews conducted no complaints were heard for any form of ill-treatment.

As per the regime and activities, MKPT expresses concern regarding the fact that the number and quality of psycho-social and recreational activities is very poor. There is also no individualized treatment plan with patient involvement. The institution should prioritize engaging in increasing psycho-social activities and involving all patients equally in these activities.

As per the staff of the Center is concerned, the NMPT considers that the number of staff is inadequate. Also, there is a lack of professionals such as psychologists, occupational therapists, etc. Medical assistants have no specific training on working with patients with chronic psychiatric disorders. The NMPT considers that medical staff should be trained more appropriately with regard to the specific work they do in taking care of patients with chronic psychiatric disorders.

As per the living conditions in the Center, The NPMT considers that housing conditions at the CIRCPP are average. However, renovations such as painting, reparation of toilet equipment, placement of paintings on the walls and personal wardrobes are needed. NPMT considers that there is a lack of privacy in toilets since they are not equipped with curtains and this issue needs to be resolved immediately.

The kitchen was renovated and put into use in July 2018 and possesses modern equipment. Through the report with recommendations published on 6 March 2017, the NPMT of the Ombudsperson recommended the undertaking of measures for renovation of the kitchen. Through this report, the NPMT of the Ombudsperson salutes implementation of this recommendation.

The ward does not have a patient rights card or leaflet for this purpose, whereas only the ambulance contains a rights card. NPMT considers that information regarding patients’ rights should be placed appropriately in visible places, supported by leaflets and explained to patients as appropriate.

As per the contact with the outside world, NPMT considers that its maintaining is essential not only for the prevention of mistreatment but also from a therapeutic point of view. CIRCPP and other social care institutions (MLSW, Centers for Social Work) should review and utilize all legal mechanisms and means to improve this issue, as set out in Article 16, paragraph 3 of the Law on Mental Health. Whereas, the Ministry of Health should issue sub-legal acts as foreseen in Article 9, paragraph 4 of the Law on Mental Health.

Ombudsperson Institution has placed complaint boxes in CIRCPP, which can be opened only by personnel of this institution, which provides confidentiality to complainants in filing complaints. NPM has never received a complaint from residents or their family members. NPM encourages the staff to inform the family members of residents on the possibility to filing complaints through the complaint boxes placed in CIRCPP.

Based on findings and ascertainments achieved during the visit, through this report, the NPMT of the Ombudsperson has delivered the following recommendations to the competent authorities: to provide an adequate number of medical personnel, such as psychiatrists, nurses, clinical psychologists, occupational therapists as a prerequisite for adequate treatment; to provide adequate training for staff; to draft the Guideline (the strategy) on Prevention of Suicide; the Ministry of Health to issue a decision listing mental health institutions where the mandatory psychiatric treatment measure should be executed; to regularly supply CIRCPP with the necessary medicines; to functionalize the computer identification system (database). Similarly, NMPT of the Ombudsperson reiterates the recommendation such as: issuance of sub-legal acts in accordance with the Law on Mental Health as well as construction of the Vocational Unit within the CIRCPP.


Full Report with recommendation can be found at: LINK

OI Public Information Office