National Preventive Mechanism on Torture of the Ombudsperson Institution met the Director of the Kosovo Correctional Service, Mr. Nehat Thaci


Prishtine, 29 May 2018- the Director of the Ombudsperson Institution’s National Preventive Mechanism on Torture (NPMT), Mrs. Shqipe Ibraj-Mala with her associates, was welcomed in an official meeting (29 May 2018) by the Director of Kosovo Correctional Service, Mr. Nehat Thaci.

During this visit Mr. Thaci was informed on the background of establishment and the mandate of this Mechanism, on findings during the visits conducted in Correctional Institutions and Detention Centers as well as actions which ought to be taken so that prisoners’ rights are respected in compliance with the Constitution of Republic of Kosovo, applicable Laws, International Traits on Prisoners’ Rights and the Recommendations of the Council of Europe anti-torture Committee.

Representatives of the NPMT delegation informed Mr. Thaci specifically on findings from the visit conducted to the Dubrava Correctional Centre in March 2018 and the recommendations which will be delivering soon to the Ministry of Justice and the Correctional Centre of Kosovo.

Mr. Thaci disclosed to the delegation his vision for changes that should be made so that above stated standards, along with better functioning of Kosovo Correctional Service is achieved as well as required that the NPMT of the Ombudsperson Institution become a constructive partner as foreseen with the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture, on the bases of which states establish such mechanisms, the mechanism which through visits, findings and recommendations, support Correctional Service of Kosovo in reaching international standards of prisoners’ human rights.

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