The Ombudsperson published the Report concerning the failure in treating persons with chronic psychiatric disorders in compliance with legal procedures
The Ombudsperson has delivered to Municipality of Shterpce and to the Centre for Social Work in this municipality as well as to the Basic Court in Ferizaj the Report with Recommendations pertaining failure in treating persons with chronic psychiatric disorder in compliance with legal procedures.
This Report is based on article of “Koha Ditore” newspaper with the title “Persons with mental disorders pose risk to citizens and property” of 11 April 2017, where representatives of NGO “Handicap Kosova”, branch in Ferizaj, claimed that municipal institutions and the Centre for Mental Health (CMH) fail to properly treat persons with chronic psychiatric disorders, who as a result of this failure, according to the article, represent potential danger for citizens’ security and wealth.
The Report reveals facts summarized and the legal instruments applicable in Kosovo, on bases of which finds out that the CMH, CSW and the Court fail to cooperate in treating appropriately persons with chronic psychiatric disorders in compliance with laws at force.
Notwithstanding that the Ombudsperson finds that in the cases referred, no improvement on life quality of persons with mental disorders has been noticed, but due to improper treatment by relevant institutions, there has been an increase of unlawful actions and behaviors that have often resulted in serious deterioration of health conditions of these persons as well as risking citizens’ security and wealth as well.
Furthermore, the Ombudsperson finds that relevant responsible institutions are not in the level of the responsibility required, regarding undertaking of positive obligations concerning treatment of persons with severe mental disorders, which would result in provision of protection and security from irresponsible actions of persons with severe mental disorders.
Based on findings issued, the Ombudsperson recommends to the Municipality of Shterpce and the Centre for Social Welfare that in compliance with legal powers, to undertake urgent measures for treatment of the case B.V. and other potential cases of this nature within the powers of this center.
While, the Basic Court in Ferizaj is recommended to urgently address the motion of the Prosecutor of the BPF P.949/15, dated 7 August 2015, on Imposing the Measure for Compulsory Psychiatric Treatment for B.V.
Report with Recommendations, in its full form, has been delivered to the responsible authorities. The same has been disseminated to media as well as was published on OI official web page in the following link: