The Act of reconciliation has been signed between RTK management and Syndicate representatives


The Act of Reconciliation has been signed today at the premises of Ombudsperson Institution (OI), upon the agreement achieved, between RTK Independent Syndicate (RTKIS), RTK Workers’ Syndicate (RTKWS), RTK Senior Management and the RTK Board, in the presence of Ombudsperson Mr. Hilmi Jashari, who presided with the mediation process in the given case.

The Ombudsperson evaluated the process of mediation as an effective alternative, not only as simple legal mechanism for resolution of disagreements, but also as key step in achieving reasonable communication between RTK management and RTK Syndical representatives.

Ombudsperson’s exercising of powers through reconciliation and mediation is stipulated in paragraph 11 of Article 16 of the Organic Law and is in compliance with the role determined with the Constitution of the country. This Act of reconciliation signed by the parties constitutes formal legal act for reaching agreement between parties on issues set forth and agreed upon during the mediation process.