Press Release


Dear media representatives,

The Ombudsperson and the Coalition of NGOs for Child Protection (KOMF) which represents twenty two non-governmental organizations, express their deep condolences to Mramori family for the lost lives of their beloved children as a result of opened pit close to the houses in the Kolovicë, neighborhood of Prishtina, due to disrespect of relevant working standards and unsafe working area, which comprises general risk for the citizens, with the main emphases on children.

The Ombudsperson and KOMF request from respective institutions that within their responsibilities entrusted to them provide assistance and all needed services to Mramori family.

Recent cases of children’s lives lost from calamities in Kosovo, caused basically by human factor, prove lack of institutional approach for life protection, which comprises the basic right.

With regard to this, the Ombudsperson and the KOMF, apart the fact that they request effective investigations, punishment according to the legislation at effect as well as appropriate remuneration, have started investigations on children’s lives lost in Kosovo with the aim to ascertain the reasons and the factors which caused them, in order to have prevention approach for such cases.

Such an investigation will assist public authorities in gaining realistic view of the situation as well as compile and apply policies for protection of children’s lives.

This incident as well as those of previous days have sent the clear alarm on the state level on the risk of children’s lives, thus we reiterate the need that all Kosovo municipalities, institutions on central level, companies and individuals to undertake all needed measures  to offer safe environment for its citizens, specifically for children.