KOMF and the Ombudsman have signed a Memorandum of Understanding


This MoU aims the establishment of cooperation between Ombudsman and the Coalition of NGOs for Child Protection, in order to protect, monitor and promote child rights in Kosovo.

The defined fields of cooperation will be: Cooperation in developing different researches, analysis and publications related to child rights; Cooperation in monitoring the situation in terms of respecting and fulfilling child rights from public and private institutions, in accordance with the law in force; Cooperation in referring different cases of child rights violation and failure to respect procedures during case management, and also joint advocacy for a better protection of child rights, based on the research, analysis or monitoring reports.

The cooperation between Ombudsman and KOMF will be done in accordance to the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo, the Law for the Ombudsman, the regulations and the respective legal provisions.

News has been borrowed from web page of NGOs Coalition on Child Protection – KOMF http://www.komfkosova.org/