Information on Ombudsperson’s recommendations sent to the Office of Prime Minister
Prishtinë, 15 December 2015 – the Ombudsperson, based on constitutional powers and legal responsibilities, ex officio, sent today recommendations to the Office of Prime Minister (OPM) regarding the Strategy on Protection of Human Rights and Freedoms, drafted by Office of Good Governance (OGG).
The Ombudsperson notes that the OGG with the “Annual Work Plan of the Government for 2015” has foreseen issuance of strategies and action plans for current strategies in order to create more effective, consistent and coordinated policies in the field of human rights and freedoms, where OGG is responsible for activities. In this regard, until the end of 2015, drafting of other several strategic documents for the period 2016-2020 is expected, while six (6) strategies are currently under implementation, three of which end this year whereas three others are ongoing.
The Ombudsperson notes that OGG has drafted thirteen strategic documents for different fields of human rights, for each of which has appointed a specific working group entrusted with appropriate document, which is a huge burden per coordination and monitoring of strategy implementation. On the other hand, starting from the fact that human rights are unique and inalienable, the Ombudsperson strongly recommends setting of a unique strategy of human rights and freedom at central level which would include all strategies on the field of human rights, and a single working group, which will be held responsible for monitoring of Human Rights Strategy implementation in Kosovo. A unique strategic human rights document will serve as a guidance to the Government of Republic of Kosovo to create more efficient, consistent and coordinated polices in the field of human rights and freedoms and such document would be much practical and easier to be monitored by local and international human rights organizations as well as implementation process at the same time would be monitored by a single governmental mechanism.
From up to date practices, the Ombudsperson notes also that political level mechanisms, appointed by the Government, are responsible bodies to monitor the process and difficulties of implementation of the strategy and the action plan on human rights but also to report to the Government of Republic of Kosovo, annually, on general implementation of human rights strategy in Kosovo. Therefore, the Ombudsperson recommends to the Prime Minister that within the scope of his reporting to the Assembly of Republic of Kosovo to include also reporting on Human rights on annual bases, on implementation of strategies and action plans.
Pursuant to Article 28 of the Law on Ombudsperson, No.05/L-019 and Article 132, paragraph 3 of the Constitution of Republic of Kosovo, the Ombudsperson waits to be informed within 30 days period, on actions planned to be undertaken on the as a response on the given Recommendations.
You can find here the full report.