Announcement regarding the incident occurred in the Correctional Center in Dubravë


On 11 and 12 of November 2015, National Mechanism against Torture within Ombudsperson Institution jointly with Kosava Rehabilitation Centre for Torture Victims (KRCT) as well as Council for Protection of Human Rights and Freedoms (CDHRF)  monitored Correctional Centre in Dubrave and Detention Centre in Lipjan, with the aim  to evaluate the situation and case circumstances of the alleged incident, between two convicted persons in the CC in Dubrave, on which occasion one detained person claimed that has been sexually abused by another detained person within the premises of Ward 2, on November 6, 2015.

After two days investigation of circumstances and evidence regarding the case, the observers estimated that allegations as per use of force or intimidation towards the convicted person in the CC in Dubrave, have not been ascertained. This assessment is also supported on findings of the medical report of 7 November 2015 of the Healthcare service within CC in Dubrave.

Observers deem the necessity for additional attention of the Correctional Service and more preventive and proactive approach towards phenomena such as harassment, sexual abuse, extortion or abuse of power- of social status among detainees within Kosovo Correctional Institutions.

Furthermore monitors request from Kosovo Healthcare service in prisons, which acts within the Ministry of Health, to address and handle such phenomena within Correctional Institutions as well as to increase the quality of such cases reporting, since the relevant report is insufficient in terms of assessment and identification of vital parameters of the person examined.

Acting according to their legal mandate, observers will continue to handle and report each case alleging violation of human rights or any other form of ill-treatment of persons deprived of liberty.