OI member with voting eligibility in AOMF


From 13 to 15 October 2015, Quebec, Canada hosted the 9th Congress of Association of Ombudsmen and Mediators of the Francophonie (AOMF), on which occasion Ombudsperson Institution (IO) was admitted with full voting eligibility.

Congress’s main theme was “Ombudsman/Mediator, promoter of good governance and guardian of the integrity of administration”. Discussions were focused on the importance that Ombudsmen/ Mediators Institutions have regarding human rights protection in countries where they function as well as the importance of cooperation of such institutions and experience exchange with the intent to coordinate activities on issues relating to negative phenomenon fighting, such as corruption and maladministration.

The request of Kosovo Ombudsperson for membership in this association was conveyed through President’s report of the Accession Committee Mr. Marc Betrand, on the third day of work of this Congress. In his reporting he stated that the Law on Ombudsperson has been analyzed as well as activities, annual reports and OI membership in some international organizations, emphasizing the fact that Kosovo is state in transition. He invited participants to visit OI web-page in order to be convinced on its work and activities. Positive recommendations disclosed by the Accession Committee during the General Assembly and without any repudiation regarding this recommendation, Mrs.  Raymonde Saint-German (Quebec Ombudsperson), so far Association Chairperson, announced OI admitted within AOMF and added that during upcoming activities and meetings, OI will have the eligibility to vote.

Extraordinary support and commitment of Albania Ombudsman, Mr. Igli Totozani and his coworkers should be stressed on this occasion concerning OI membership in this Association.

During General Assembly’s work Mr. Marc Bertrand (Vallonia Ombudsman) has been elected as a new Association Chairman who will preside with the Association in next three years.

Congress was closed with endorsement of Quebec’s declaration which calls for strengthening and consolidation of mediators’ institutions (Ombudsmen institutions) as promoters of democratic values, rule of law and respect of human rights.

Just to recall the fact that OI is the only national institution for human rights in Kosovo. As such, until now it gained membership in International Ombudsperson Institute (IOI), European Ombudsperson Institute (EOI), European Network of National Human Rights Institutions (ENNHRI),  Children’s Right Ombudsperson’s Network in Southeast Europe , Sarajevo Declaration on Regional Cooperation

Membership in Association of Ombudsmen and Mediators of the Francophonie (AOMF), is another step in a row of gaining membership in international structures of human rights, while is waiting for the positive response for gaining membership in Association of Mediterranean Ombudsman (AMO) for which has applied last year.


*AOMF was established in 1998. Association’s main role is promotion of the role of Ombudsmen and Mediators as well as encouragement and strengthening of independent institutions of this kind in the Francophonie area. At the same time the Association and its members are committed on promotion and protection of democracy, rule of law state and social peace in Francophonie area.