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The Ombudsperson visited Bistricë, Cerajë and Koshtovë villages


October 12, 2015 – Within ongoing visits that the Ombudsperson Mr. Hilmi Jashari is conducting in different location Kosovo wide, today he visited villages Bistricë, Cerajë and Koshtovë, which are geographically located in the uttermost northern part of the country and administratively belongs to the Municipality of Leposaviqit. Z. Jashari met with the inhabitants of these locations and was interested about conditions and difficulties that they encounter in their daily life.

On this occasion, the Ombudsperson was informed about the living conditions of inhabitants of these locations by Mr. Xhemshit Bekteshi, Vice-president of Leposavic municipality for communities as well as Mr. Haki Ymeri, Head of the Office of communities and returnees, who spoke on behalf of inhabitants of these locations. They stressed continuing problems that inhabitants of these locations face as per obtaining necessary documents whether in the Office of Civil Status or Civil Registration, difficulties regarding transport and road condition, lack of medications, unemployment etc.  On this occasion, special emphases was given by Mr. Bekteshi and Mr. Imeri on the lack of possession records for their properties, which cannot be obtained from municipality of Leposaviq in a valid and acceptable form for other institutional levels in Kosovo.  This issue causes them the inability to benefit from allocation of grants for agriculture as well as poses an obstacle for construction of houses or sustainable residents return in this area, where during 1998-1999 approximately 1300 inhabitants lived in this location while now only 200 of them. As an urgent need they revealed the need for a van for transport of 29 primary school children in Bistrica, where children from Koshtovë and Cerajë villages attend their school as well.

The Ombudsman stressed that official investigation will be commenced by him regarding the issues raised and then, depending on the violations found, relevant recommendations towards responsible institutions will addressed. “It’s liability of Government and State to provide conditions and improve the quality of life to residents of this area as well,” Mr. Jashari stressed on this occasion. During the visit conducted he also visited the premises of a school and infirmary in Bistricë and had a talk with education and health personnel providing services there.

While returning to Pristina, the Ombudsman visited also the district Kroi i Vitakut , in the northern part of Mitrovica, where he met with people who live there and discussed with them the difficulties and challenges that they have in their efforts to restore normal life in this area.