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The Ombudsperson visited Kosovo Association of Blind People


Prishtinë, September 1, 2015 – The Ombudsperson Mr. Hilmi Jashari has visited today Kosovo Association of Blind People (KABP) and met with Mr. Bujar Kadriu, the president of this organization, that represents the community of blind people within the entire Kosovo territory.

On this occasion the Ombudsperson showed his interest on conditions on which the Association performs its activities as well as difficulties and obstacles with which people with sights limited abilities encounter in Kosovo. Among other things, the Ombudsperson Mr. Hilmi Jashari, informed the president of KABP for entering into force of the Law on Protection from Discrimination, which entrusts additional power to the Ombudsperson as well as provides greater possibilities on protection of discriminated categories.

During this visit the Ombudsperson delivered a considerable copies of Bulletin published in Brail Alphabet to the Association, compiled explicitly from OI, which contains facts on competencies and responsibilities of the Ombudsperson Institution as well as some recommendations that this Institution has delivered through its Reports to the public institutions, including the Assembly and the Government of Kosovo regarding persons with vision limited abilities.

KABP President expressed his gratitude to the Ombudsperson for the visit undertaken as well as for the information material delivered to the Association which will be further distributed to its members as a great possibility for persons with vision disabilities to gain more information about the role and the mandate vested to the Ombudsperson, as constitutional category that monitors and protects human rights and freedoms from illicit or irregular actions or inactions of public authorities.   The Ombudsperson obtained information about activities that the Association conducts and special professional/assisting services that they provide for blind people, based on the specific Law on Blind People.

A mutual readiness has been exposed in the meeting for further and tight cooperation in the future aiming better service provision, with the main emphases on people with vision disorder.