Press Release


Prishtinë, August 12, 2015 – Based on competencies and responsibilities determined by the Law, the Ombudsperson exercises his competencies through mediation and reconciliation as well. Assessing this aptitude as positive alternative, not solely for case resolving but also for increasing institutional responsibility, the Ombudsperson has made the use of this legal opportunity and has mediated between Mr. Fetah Rudi and the Mayor of Malisheva Municipality, Mr. Ragip Beqaj.

Mr. Fetah Rudi addressed his complaint to the Ombudsperson regarding Mr. Begaj’s public announcement, who within the function that he exercises, referring on Mr. Rudi’s limited abilities to move, has stated that: “Due to health problems Mr. Fetahu is incapable to accomplish the function of deputy mayor”.  Such statement, rightfully, has been considered discriminatory by Mr. Rudi.

The Ombudsperson proposed mediation as legal mechanism on this issue raised, for which the consent has been taken from both sides and the agreement has been reached after Ombudsperson’s representative met with them. Having in regard the overall circumstances when such statement has been released, as well as the mutual respect exposed by Mr. Beqaj and Mr.  Rudi for each another in the separate meetings with them, in a meeting with both parties involved in this process, the Mayor of Malisheva Municipality expressed his deep regret for the situation arisen after his statement, which was not intended to expose discrimination, for which he has made public justification as well. He apologized sincerely for the distress caused, gesture highly assessed and appreciated from Mr. Rudi as a form of moral satisfaction.

Ombudsperson’s involvement on this issue was done in compliance with article 16, paragraph 11 of the Law on Ombudsperson and has been concluded with the formal legal reconciliation act. This way of case resolving is an alternative that gives positive effects on education of entire society and effects on broadening institutional and individual responsibility towards nondiscriminatory and equal treatment as well as language used in public announcements.