Activities undertaken by Ombudsperson Institution in celebration of Children’s Day


The 1st of June 2013 – Each year many state of the world through different activities celebrate the Children’s day, on the 1st of June. A number of activities have been carried out by Ombudsperson Institute (OI) on this occasion with the purpose to raise awareness on children’s rights.

Initially, the Ombudsman Mr. Sami Kurteshi, accompanied by his associates visited Children’s Village – SOS Kinderdorf and jointly with children and the staff of this Centre participated in a performance prepared by this Centre deliberately for the Children’s Day.
Later on, from 11:00 till 14:00 in two tents located in “Nëna Terezë” Square in Prishtinë, representatives of the Ombudsperson Institution met with children and on this occasion the opportunity was given to them to be heard by the representatives of OI as well as to obtain information regarding protection and promotion of children’s rights and assistance that OI can provide in this direction.
Another OI tent located in Llapnasellë village with the same function and purpose from 11:00 to13:00 offered the opportunity to children of this area to meet with representatives of OI. During the time when children were hosted in the tents of OI in Prishtina as well as in Llapnasellë Mr. Kurteshi visited the tents.
The Ombudsman, accompanied by his associates, later visited Correctional and Detention Centre in Lipjan. He met with juveniles confined in this Centre and was interested for their living conditions as well as their future plans after the end of incarcerating period in this Centre.
The 1st of June is being proclaimed as an International Children’s Day in the World Conference for the Well-being of Children in 1925 in Geneva, Switzerland. On that occasion 54 state members endorsed Geneva Declaration on Child Protection. Different activities are planned for this day in order to please them as well as to use this opportunity to promote children’s welfare and their rights.