A reaction to the article written by journalist Fadil Sertolli published in “ZËRI” daily regarding the issue of number plates


For the sake of truth, the Ombudsperson Institution is forced to react to the article written journalist Mr. Fadil Sertolli, which was published in “Zëri” daily on 4 September 2012 (page 4) with the title “The Ombudsperson pro illegal number plates”.
The journalist, Mr. Sertolli has built his article on untruths and fabrications. The Ombudsperson has never and nowhere displayed an attitude, neither took any decision regarding the issue of illegal number plates. The Ombudsperson is extremely concerned, and it also considers parallelism between the Ombudsperson institution and “Serbian lobby” as a dangerous and populist. This is an accusation that exceeds the aim of journalistic information and it is part of political disqualification and lynching. Thus, it remains a task of “Zëri” daily and Independent Media Commission to analyze the article concerned.
Disinformation and distortion has been constructed by the journalist/newspaper by using institutional statements also. Based on our contact with the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Interior Mr. Ismet Ibishi regarding his statement for “Zëri” daily regarding the issue concerned, we reached a conclusion that what he declared to the newspaper does not coincide completely with the article written by journalist Sertolli, starting with the conclusion on the title of the article.

As “the news” was published, the Ombudsperson Institution calls upon the editorial of “Zeri”, the journalist concerned and the authorities or institutions to whom the journalist is referring, to prove their conclusion by providing publicly information on who, when and how has made a request claimed by journalist Sertolli.
The journalist Sertolli has also contacted the Ombudsperson`s spokeswomen through phone and posed to her a question whether the Ombudsperson Institution received any complaint regarding use of number plates (and not as it presents in his article). Due to inability to verify at spot data for the complaint, the spokeswomen neither confirmed nor denied existence of any such case. But the question posed did not pertain at all to the Ombudsperson`s attitude on the issue of number plates (you may refer to the phone conservation between the journalist and the Ombudsperson`s Spokeswomen).
In order to clarify the issue for the readers of “Zeri” daily and for the citizens of Kosovo, the Ombudsperson declares that currently is reviewing a complaint of a citizen of the Republic of Kosovo regarding Administrative Instruction issued by the Ministry of Interior regarding number plates. The case is opened at the Ombudsperson Institution and during all the time of verbal and written form of institutional communication the Ombudsperson did not speak out pro or against this Instruction, but it has requested information regarding legal base of this Administrative Instruction and legal base of action of the Ministry of Interior regarding this issue.
The Public Intuitions of Kosovo are bound to respond to the Ombudsperson`s letters and requests. The internal communication between the Public Institutions of Kosovo is not a material for media. But, if need be, in order to shed light on the truth, then the original letters should be offered, based on the obligation for maintaining the confidentiality and protection of personal data, so, by keeping data of complainants or complainant anonymous.
The Ombudsperson reaffirms the necessity of respecting the constitution and other provisions in order to provide functioning of the State and trust on the State institutions. The equality before the law should be safeguarded and guaranteed first of all by State mechanisms. Within this, the legal and constitutional mission of the Ombudsperson is protection, monitoring and promotion of human rights and fundamental freedoms in Kosovo, including here the scale of violation of human rights and fundamental freedoms.
The Ombudsperson does not accept any external pressure with regard to his actions, notwithstanding circumstances and persons, be that legal or a natural persons.
5 September 2012