
29 December 2011 – The Ombudsperson Institution held a year-end press conference through which it has offered a resume and an account of its work during the year 2011. “ONE STEP CLOSER TO THE CITIZEN” was a slogan that accompanied the work and the engagement of the Ombudsperson during the year 2011, by offering services and the information about the services and possibilities of the institution by carrying out visits in all municipalities of Kosovo.

The Ombudsperson, Mr. Sami Kurteshi stated that during the year 2011, the number of the citizens knocking the door of the OIK has increased. “ Increase by 15% of the cases solved positively in 2010 comparing to 2009, while during this year 10% higher than in 2010 is an indicator of increased citizen`s confidence on the OIK” emphasized the Ombudsperson Mr. Kurteshi.
The cases addressing the OIK are of various natures, while the areas of human rights violations affect almost all segments of the society.
The OIK has continued and deepened the cooperation with domestic institutions at the local and central level, as well as with the civil society. As a result of OSCE support and joint cooperation and engagement of all parties, the OIK organized three round tables. The OIK and the OHCHR marked the International Human Rights Day through a joint round table. A round table has been organized also on the occasion of marking the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, as well as the round table between the OIK and media which was organized in November during this year. The round table provided the possibility of joint-discussion of the report: the Ombudsperson-Human Rights-Media.
The signing of a cooperation memorandum between the OIK, CDHRF and CRTV marked initiation of the establishment of a transparent and sustainable mechanism for monitoring the places where the persons deprived of their liberty are held. Also, the signatory parties will work on creating the National Mechanism for Prevention of Torture (NMPT).
The OIK enjoyed a support and had a good cooperation with the international institutions and mechanisms, including joint engagements, which have an impact in promotion and respect of human rights.
Also, a special attention has been paid to capacity building of the OIK staff, exchange of experiences and to knowledge about the best European policies.
The Ombudsperson, Mr. Kurteshi emphasized the challenges that the Institution has been facing during the year, such as lack of working space, refusal to approve budget for the number of professional staff, budget shortages, the issue of salaries for the Deputy Ombudspersons etc.