On the International Youth Day, the Ombudsperson calles for the emancipation of the Kosovar youth
Kosovar youth by comprising high percentage of active population (age 15-35), a percentage which is among the highest in Europe, constitutes the country’s biggest potential, whereas the government authorities in Kosovo have not been paying due treatment to them.
Constant and evident problems for the overwhelming part of Kosovo’s youth are unemployment and lack of perspective. The current education system, in particular the university system, through a high number of private universities and with no general and co-ordinated plan about the needs of the labour market in Kosovo appears to be even more confusing for the youth’s perspective in Kosovo.
The low percentage of the youth at the decision-making processes and at the state organisation and the low participation of them at the civil society constitute the main indicators for the weak political impact in Kosovo.
During the time of democracy building and protection of human rights, the Republic of Kosovo has to prove its interest in order to promote the youth by supporting projects and by establishing a strategic plan at the local level so as to be able to benefit from the powerful potential of Kosovo’s youth. In order to achieve this objective, the competent authorities also have to establish open and equal opportunities to all.
The International Youth Day was adopted by United Nations under a 54/120 Resolution in 1999 and it aims to draw the attention of Governments throughout the world with regard to the issue of youth.